My Journey
Unrivaled Adventure and African Experience at the K2N Stage Race
Africa; the dark continent. Industrialized South Africa has burst into the mountain bike scene with a lions roar but what about the rest of the continent? Fellow Appalachian Adventurers Thomas Turner and [...]
The Breck Epic, Hero’s Proving Grounds.
Fellow Veterans, Teammates, and friends. On October 13 2009 the Chinook Helicopter Juan Carlos Hernandez was sitting side gunner on was struck by a rocket propelled grenade. A routine nighttime [...]
I’m a gravel racer now Part 2 (the DIRT)
Early to bed, early to shred! Waking up in a new place with the prospect of 200 miles of unknown is definitely a little daunting. But like the racing itself you compartmentalize [...]
Im a gravel racer now! Part 1
As soon as I stand up out of my appropriately cramped airline seat I can feel the Midwest charm. I cruise to get my bag out of the overhead bin and meet [...]
Just like home…but BETTER!!!!
Living now in Georgia Emily and I have had to make a lot of changes. Where we get groceries, who works on our cars, what dentist we use, regular riding and training [...]
La Ruta Recap
So La Ruta de Los Conquistadores. The "hardest bike race in the world" they say. I haven't done all the bike races, so I cant comment on that. But if you like [...]
Lessons from The Competition
Almost home after a week away. One more plane ride. One more sequence of filing in, sitting down, cramming myself into a seat and descending into a book or phone or conversation [...]
Choices #1 Rubber
This blog as a way to pass on merely race antics is hopefully pretty entertaining but I get a fair number of emails and Facebook messages on a regular basis asking what [...]
Sitting on the porch after 4 weeks of travel and as many races there's a lot to look back on in a very short period of time. Kind of like one of [...]
Farewell Friend
Theres been a lot of action lately. Racing, riding, training, vacations and life fully into the swing of things. So much so I've been unable to post much lately. But this struck [...]
Flying over Normandy on June 6 1944 American paratroopers watched and waited for the lights near the side doors of their planes to switch from red to green, signaling their time [...]
Trust The Struggle
Reading over Julian Kyer's journal article on velonews I couldn't help but empathize. Kyer's words aren't overly poetic but the feeling it gets across is big. Its a feeling Ive had a [...]
Change up!
When I began my blog about this time last year I first posted something of a placeholder. I haven't really been pleased with the formatting of it and don't really have the [...]